
Out-of-the-box integration connectors don’t always meet a company’s needs, so enterprises usually turn to Workday® Application Integration partners like AssistNow.

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Out-of-the-box integration connectors don’t always meet a company’s needs, so enterprises usually turn to Workday® Application Integration partners like AssistNow.

Our Workday® Integration experts advise on an optimum integration plan and assist with complex projects, which leads to the following :

•  End-to-end business process automation.

•  Allowing users to access the functionality they need through the Workday® interface.

•  Consistent user experience.

•  Integration passwords.

•  Scheduled jobs.

Integrations and Partnerships


Direct integrations with all leading financial systems enable AssistNow to provide customers with full visibility into their Workday® Integration.

Direct Vendor Integrations

AssistNow has more than 100+ direct integrations with all leading Third party vendors to help our customers measure if subscriptions are actually used and delivering value to the company.

Financial Integration Partners

Direct integrations with all leading financial systems enable AssistNow to provide customers with full visibility into their Workday® Integration.

Enterprise Systems

Direct integrations with all leading financial systems enable AssistNow to provide customers with full visibility into their Workday® Integration.

Expense Management Solutions

Direct integrations with all leading financial systems enable AssistNow to provide customers with full visibility into their Workday® Integration.

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you soon.

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